Dunking for a Friend

As I posted the tragic news that one of our own, Time Cycle Owner Eric Norburg had a major family tragedy last week. His 17 month old daughter was killed in a house fire that left wife and other young daughter in critical condition in area hospitals. On top of all of that, more or less everything in the house is totally destroyed.

Eric has always come to the need of his employees and friends, so we, the collective Philly cycling community are going to have a series of fundraisers for the Norburg Family. There are all sorts of events planned for the rest of the summer that include happy hours, beef and beer,  alley cat, etc. This weekend kicks off the series of events with a pretty unique opportunity. You get to dunk your favorite messenger.

Starting Saturday at 2pm, Standard Tap in Northern Liberties will donate all of the proceeds from the dunk tank to the Norburg family. You can dunk the following folks at the following times.

YOU CAN HELP by dunking these Fearless Flunky Dunkees:

2:00 to 3:00 – Joey, Brad, and Mike – 3 pesky bike couriers

3:00 to 3:30 – Jeff Appeltans – Former pesky Timecycle Boss

3:30 to 4:30 – Ken Mitchel – SemiProfessional Firkin Drinker

4:30 to 5:00 – Loud Steve – AmEx dispatcher

5:00 to 6:00 – Rich Bruder – Professional Wize Ass

6:00 to 7:00 – Gary Alderman – Jersey Boy with a ‘tude

7:00 to 8:00 – William Reed – Barkeep to the Stars

I think Loud Steve will need more time than just 30 minutes. I think a few of us plan on dropping about $100 on making him wet. That does not sound right at all.

With the Pro race and beer week going on this week, I think this will be a fun event, but also important event as we try to help out a guy who would never hesitate to go to the ends of the earth for his riders.  Check back here and at this site for more updates of events and click on the paypal link to drop a few bucks if you are not able to make it out this weekend.

One Response to “Dunking for a Friend”
  1. Kennykaos says:

    I’m def going for loud Steve haha

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